Billy's got a tough decision to make today, so he's decided to weigh his options shirtless.
BuzzFeed Dude A Day
It's @WilliamRootPeter for SDP!

This isn't the only fence Billy's sitting on today. See, he just can't decide which color to go with for the moped he's buying this afternoon — green to match his dead mother's eyes or titanium purple because Francine says it's "edgy in a good way." (Francine's a certified nail technician. She knows her shit.) Either way, Billy doesn't have much time to make up his mind. Green or purple? Green? Or purple? This moped may very well be with him for the rest of his life, so it's not a decision he's taking lightly. If you have any thoughts on the matter, feel free to weigh in. Just look for Billy leaning all contemplative and distraught against a fence near you, the sunlight lapping lazily across his skin, a soft breeze wandering its way through his lush belly fuzz.

Yours in thirst,
Lincoln (@marytodd_)

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